
indexes(fs, values)

Finds the index of the values at each gridpoint of fs in the values array.

  • fs (Fieldset) – input fieldset

  • values (ndarray) – the values to find the index for

Return type


Indexes are zero-based and will always have a minimum value of zero and a maximum value equal to the index of the last element of values. A value lying between two values in values will use the index of the nearest value; if equidistant, then the higher value is used. values must be sorted in ascending order.


Let us suppose that our input fieldset contains these values:

    10 10 30 40
f = 15 25 35 45
    8  4 20 11

then the following call:

import metview as mv
import numpy as np
g = mv.indexes(f, np.array([5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30])

produces this GRIB, with values equal to the input values’ positions in the input array:

    1 3 5 5
g = 2 4 5 5
    1 0 3 1