

Extracts values as Geopoints from complex BUFR messages where coordinate descriptors are required to locate particular data. Briefly, when the category code of a BUFR element is less than 10 it is a ‘coordinate descriptor’, which means that it retains its current value until redefined. In this way, a set of values ‘inherit’ the same value for such a descriptor without it appearing explicitly for each value. The purpose of this function is to extract data that can only be described by using coordinate descriptors. For more complete BUFR data extraction, it can be used with BUFR output from obsfilter().


This function performs the same task as the Bufr Picker icon in Metview’s user interface. It accepts its parameters as keyword arguments, described below.


Extracts values as Geopoints from BUFR messages using filter conditions on coordinate descriptors.

  • data (Bufr) – Specifies the input data.

  • output ({"geopoints", "polar_vector", "xy_vector", "ncols"}, default: "geopoints") – Specifies the output Geopoints format.

  • parameter (str or list[str], default: "012163") –

  • missing_data ({"ignore", "include"}, default: "ignore") – If set to “ignore”, missing data is not included in the output file. If set to “include”, missing data will be output to the geopoints file, its value being set to that specified by missing_data_value. Note that when output is one of the two geopoints vector formats, the observation is considered missing if one or both of the parameters are missing.

  • missing_data_value (number, default: 0) – Available only for missing_data set to “include”. Any missing observations will be output as this value (default 0). It is wise, therefore, to ensure that this value is outwith the range of possible values for the requested parameter(s).

  • coordinate_descriptors (str or list[str], default: "5042") –

  • coordinate_values (str or list[str], default: "all") –

  • fail_on_error ({"yes", "no"}, default: "yes") – If set to “yes”, then any error encountered when trying to decode the input data will result in the module failing. If set to “no”, then any such errors will not be fatal, and an empty data file will be returned.

Return type
