

Generates a fixed set of meteorological parameters forecasts as a function of forecast time for a given location or set of locations (arbitrary or meteorological station). This web page describes the meteograms generated by meteogram().


This function is only available for internal ECMWF use.


This function performs the same task as the Meteogram icon in Metview’s user interface. It accepts its parameters as keyword arguments, described below.


Generates meteograms.


This function is only available for internal ECMWF use.

  • type ({"10_days_epsgram", "15_days_epsgram", "15_days_epsgram_with_climate", "10_days_wave_epsgram", "10_days_plumes"}, default: "15_days_epsgram") – Specifies the type of meteogram to be generated. The “epsgrams” are derived from the ENS, whereas the “metgrams” are derived from the deterministic forecast model.

  • station (stations()) – Specifies the location as a stations() object at which to derive the meteogram.

  • data_selection_type ({"latest", "date", "local"}, default: "latest") –

    Determines how the meteogram data source is selected:

    • ”latest”: will retrieve the latest meteogram available

    • ”date”: will allow the further selection of a specific date and time

    • ”local”: allows the specification of a path to a local SPOT database (details of the database format are not provided here).

  • date (number, default: -1) – Specifies the day on which the forecast is based (first day on the plot). The default value is -1 (yesterday), but you can use other formats, such as YYMMDD or YYYY-MM-DD. Available when data_selection_type is set to “date”.

  • forecast_run_time ({"00", "12"}, default: "12") – Specify the forecast time (hours of the day) from either 00h or 12h. Only available if data_selection_type is set to “date”.

  • experiment (str, default: "0001") – Specifies the MARS experiment number from which the meteograms are to be plotted. You will only need to modify this parameter if you want to display data from a source other than the ECMWF model. Note that this parameter is a string, so for example ‘0001’ is different from ‘1’.

  • format ({"pdf", "png", "ps"}, default: "pdf") – Specifies the output format.

  • database (str, default: "latest") – If not “latest”, then this parameter is taken to be the entire path to the database directory. Available when data_selection_type is “local”.

Return type
