
Defines a Postscript plot output driver based on the Cairo library.


Defines a Postscript plot output driver based on the Cairo library.

  • output_title (str, default: "magics++ plot") – Defines a title for the output which gets displayed if the format supports it.

  • output_name (str) – Defines the root of output filename without the suffix.

  • output_name_first_page_number ({"on", "off"}, default: "on") – Determines whether, for the first page of multipage output, the number is included in the filename.

  • output_file_minimal_width (number, default: 1) – Width of numbering of multi-file outputs (eg. use 1 for ‘plot.1.png’, 3 for ‘plot.001.png’ etc).

  • output_debug ({"on", "off"}, default: "off") – Defines if extra debug information are written in the output file (PS, EPS, SVG) or console (PNG).

  • output_filelist ({"on", "off"}, default: "off") – Defines if a list of all the generated files should be written into a file.

  • output_filelist_name (str, default: "magics_outputs.lst") – Defines the name of the file containing the list of generated files. Enabled when output_filelist is “on”.

Return type
