

Generates data to recreate the plot layers of the ecCharts web-based visualisation system in the Metview environment performing the following steps:

  1. retrieves global forecast fields for a given ecCharts layer from the MARS archive

  2. applies the required post-processing steps on the data

  3. defines the visualisation using one of the pre-defined ecCharts styles available for the layer.

eccharts() returns a list that can be directly passed onto plot() to generate a plot. This list contains the following items:

  1. the GRIB fields (Fieldset) retrieved from MARS then post-processed

  2. a plot title definition (mtext())

  3. a contouring definition (mcont()) using the specified pre-defined style associated with the layer

  4. a legend definition (mlegend())

The second item in this list is optional and only included if title is set to “style_1”.


This function performs the same task as the Eccharts icon in Metview’s user interface. It accepts its parameters as keyword arguments, described below.


Generates data to recreate the plot layers of the ecCharts web-based visualisation system in the Metview environment.

  • layer (str) – Specifies the name of the ecCharts layer.

  • style (str) –

    Specifies a named contouring style for the selected layer. Each ecCharts layer is associated with a group of predefined styles and if this parameter is left empty the default style will be assigned to layer.


    In the user interface the ecCharts icon editor contains a style browser. When a given layer is selected the style browser only shows the available styles for that layer with the default style automatically selected.

  • title ({"default", "style_1"}, default: "default") –

    Specifies the type of the title generated for the plot. The possible values are as follows:

    • ”default”: the automatic Metview title will be used and the returned list will not contain an mtext() object

    • ”style_1”: the returned list will contain an mtext() object defining a title with a different style.

    When overlaying an eccharts() object with other objects always use the “default” option, otherwise the contouring setting will be applied incorrectly to some of the fields.

  • expver (str, default: "1") –

  • date (number, default: -1) – Specifies the run date of the forecast in YYYYMMDD format. This is the same date parameter as in the MARS retrieval icon. Relative dates are allowed: e.g. -1 means yesterday, 0 means today, etc.

  • time (number, default: 0) – Specifies the run time of the forecast. This is the same time parameter as in the MARS retrieval icon.

  • step (number or list[number], default: 0) – Specifies the forecast steps in hours. Here a list of values can be given.

  • interval ({3, 6, 9, 12, 24, 48, 72}, default: 3) –

  • quantile (number or list[number]) –

  • grid (list[number], default: [1, 1]) – Specifies the resolution of the resulting global grid in [dx, dy] format, where dx is the grid increment in West-East direction, while dy is the grid increment in South-North direction (both in units of degrees).

  • fail_on_data_error ({"yes", "no"}, default: "yes") – When this parameter is set to “yes” an error in the data retrieval or the post-processing steps will force the icon to fail and a Python script running eccharts() will fail as well. When if it is set to “no” the icon will not fail and eccharts() will return None.

Return type
