

Generates a Hovmoeller diagram data unit for a given geographical area for GRIB (Fieldset) input. The generated data can be used to display a two-dimensional graph with latitude or longitude as one axis and time as the other. The average values for each field are taken along the North-South or East-West direction.

The resulting data can be plotted (using a default visualisation and with the plot area based on the range of data values) or saved as a NetCDF data file using write().

If access to the computed values is not required, or for more control of the plotting, use mhovmoellerview().


This function performs the same task as the Hovmoeller Data icon in Metview’s user interface. It accepts its parameters as keyword arguments, described below.


Provides input for Hovmoeller diagrams derived from a geographical area.

  • data (Fieldset) – Specifies the GRIB data (Fieldset) from which to derive the Hovmeller diagram. data must specify a time-series of one meteorological variable on a given level on a latitude-longitude or Gaussian grid. Multiple parameters/levels are not supported.

  • area (list[number], default: [30, -30, -30, 30]) – Specifies the coordinates of the area (as [north, west, south, east]) over which the Hovmoeller diagram is calculated.

  • area_statistics ({"mean", "minimum", "maximum", "stdev", "variance", "median"}, default: "mean") – Specifies the type of computation performed along the average_direction`. For “mean”, “stdev” or “variance” when average_direction is “north_south” the aggregation is weighted by the cosine of the latitudes. New in Metview version 5.18.0

  • average_direction ({"east_west", "north_south"}, default: "east_west") – Specifies the direction along which the computation defined in area_statistics is performed. When it is “north_south” and area_statistics is “average”, “stdev” or “variance” the aggregation is weighted by the cosine of the latitudes.

  • swap_axes ({"no", "yes"}, default: "no") – By default, the definition of the vertical and horizontal axes of the Hovmoeller diagrams follows pre-defined rules. However, if swap_axes is set to “yes” then the axes will be swapped around.

  • resolution (number, default: 1.0) – Used to interpolate the data onto a regular grid, and applies to both the horizontal and vertical axes where appropriate. This parameter is essential for creating a Hovmoeller diagram from satellite data.

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