
grib_get(fs, keys[, grouping])

Extracts the values of a set of ecCodes keys from the GRIB headers of fs in an efficient way.

  • fs (Fieldset) – input fieldset

  • keys (list) – the ecCodes keys

  • grouping (str) – grouping mode (“field” or “key”)

Return type

list of lists

A single call to grib_get() can replace multiple calls to the other grib_get_* functions and is hence more efficient.

By default the keys will be retrieved as str, but their type can be specified by adding a modifier to their names, following the convention used by the ecCodes command line tool grib_ls where the key name is followed by a colon and then one or two characters which specify the type:

  • s=string

  • l=long

  • d=double

  • la=long array

  • da=double array

  • n=native type New in Metview version 5.14.0.

For example, the key ‘centre’ can be retrieved as a str with ‘centre’ or ‘centre:s’, or as a number with ‘centre:l’. Each GRIB key has a ‘native type’, e.g. long or string. If the type is specified as “n” then the type that is returned. The native type for the key ‘centre’ is str, so ‘centre:n’ will return a str.

The result is always a list of lists:

  • if grouping is not specified or set to ‘field’, the result will be grouped by field, containing one list per field, each of these lists containing one element per key

  • if grouping is ‘key’, the result will be grouped by key, containing one list per key, each of these lists containing one element per field.


The following lines of code on a particular fieldset with 3 fields:

      ['editionNumber', 'centre', 'level', 'step'], 'field'))
      ['editionNumber', 'centre:l', 'level', 'step'], 'key'))

produces this output:

[['1', 'ecmf', '1000', '0'], ['1', 'ecmf', '925', '0'], ['1', 'ecmf', '850', '0']]
[['1', '1', '1'], [98.0, 98.0, 98.0], ['1000', '925', '850'], ['0', '0', '0']]
grib_get_long(fs, key)
grib_get_double(fs, key)
grib_get_string(fs, key)
grib_get_long_array(fs, key)
grib_get_double_array(fs, key)
grib_get_string_array(fs, key)

Extracts the value of an ecCode key from the GRIB headers of fs.

  • fs (Fieldset) – input fieldset

  • key (string) – the ecCodes key

Return type

number, str or list

This group of functions is based on the similarly named ecCodes C API functions. The available ecCodes keys can be inspected in various ways:

  • in an interactive Metview session with the GRIB Examiner (right-click Examine or double-click on a GRIB icon)

  • with the ecCodes command line tool grib_dump

Fot further details about keys read GRIB Keys - ecCodes GRIB FAQ.

grib_get_long(), grib_get_double() and grib_get_string() return a value if fs has a single field, otherwise they return a list.

grib_get_long_array() and grib_get_double_array() return a 1d-ndarray if fs has a single field, otherwise they return a list 1d-ndarrays.

grib_get_string() returns a list of strings if fs has a single field, otherwise it returns a list lists.


grib_get_long() and grib_get_long_array() extract a C long value internally but it is cast into float on return.


This code:

import metview as mv
print(mv.grib_get_long(data, "editionNumber"))
print(mv.grib_get_long(data, "max"))
print(mv.grib_get_double(data, "max"))
print(mv.grib_get_string(data, "max"))
print(mv.grib_get_string(data, "typeOfGrid"))

can result in the following output for single-field GRIB file:


This code shows how to obtain the list of latitudes from a reduced Gaussian grid fieldset:

import metview as mv
g ='your_data_in_gg.grb')
pl = mv.grib_get_long_array (g, 'pl')