Version 4.0 Updates

User Version 4.0.8

Upgrade 2011-10-05 (all platforms)

Version 4.0.8 became User Version at ECMWF

Test Version 4.0.8

Introduced 2011-09-13 (all platforms)

  • Installed as metview4_new

  • Rebuilt with latest Mars client code, GRIB_API 1.9.10 and emoslib 000390

Test Version 4.0.7

Introduced 2011-06-20 (Linux desktops, lxab cluster, ecgate)

  • Installed as metview4_new

  • Macro functions pressure(), thickness(), vertint() and univertint() updated to work with GRIB 2 data

  • Built with Magics++ 2.12.10

Update 2011-07-14

  • New macro library function mvl_geopotential_on_ml() for computing geopotential on model levels. Example usage:

    r = (date: -1, time: 12, levtype: "ml", grid: [1.5,1.5])
    T = retrieve(r,levelist: [1,"to",91],param: "t")
    q = retrieve(r,levelist: [1,"to",91],param: "q")
    zs = retrieve(r,levelist: 1,param: "z")
    lnsp = retrieve(r,levelist: 1,param: "lnsp")
    z_ml = mvl_geopotential_on_ml(T, q, lnsp, zs)

Update 2011-07-18 (ecgate only)

  • Rebuilt Qt libraries with antialiasing support. This results in a much nicer user interface for all Qt-based modules in Metview 4 (e.g. the data examiners, the Display Window and the Macro editor).

Export Version 4.0.6

External release 2011-06-17

Version 4.0.6-export became available

User Version 4.0.6

Upgrade 2011-06-06 (all platforms)

  • Version 4.0.6 became User Version at ECMWF

Update 2011-06-09

  • New macro functions sum(vector) and mean(vector). Return either the sum or the mean of all non-missing values in their input vectors. If all values are missing, then nil is returned.

  • Fix in set_gridvals() function when fieldset contains multiple fields

  • Note: these updates were applied directly to version 4.0.6 (currently metview4 and metview4_new)

Update 2011-06-14

  • List functions now available include unary operators such as abs(), cos(), etc and binary operators such as +, -, >, min, etc. These are the same set of basic operators and functions that are available for fieldsets, geopoints, numbers and vectors. Binary operators between two lists will fail if the lists contain different numbers of elements; otherwise, the result will be a new list, where each element is the result of applying the operator to each of the corresponding elements in the input lists. List elements can be of any type, as long as it is legal to perform the operation on elements of that type. Lists are not recommended for computations with many (hundreds) of values; for this, the vector data type is significantly more efficient. Examples of the new list operations:

    a = [1,2,3]
    b = [4,1,6]
    c = [|1,2,3|, |4,5,6|, [7,8,9]] # vector,vector,list
    d = [10, 20, 30]
    print (a + b) : output is [5,3,9]
    print (max(a,b)) : output is [4,2,6]
    print (max(a,2)) : output is [2,2,3]
    print (a - 5) : output is [-4,-3,-2]
    print (sqrt(b)) : output is [2,1,2.44948974278]
    print (c + 10) : output is [|11,12,13|,|14,15,16|,[17,18,19]]
    print (c + d) : output is [|11,12,13|,|24,25,26|,[37,38,39]]

    The complete list of operators is: +,-,/,*,^,>,<,>=,<=,=,<>,and,or, mod,div,max,min,neg,not,sgn,int,log10,log,exp,sqrt,sin,cos,tan,asin,acos, atan,abs.

Test Version 4.0.6

Introduced 2011-05-25 (Linux desktops, lxab cluster, ecgate)

  • Installed as metview4_new

  • Uses latest Mars client code, GRIB_API 1.9.10 and emoslib 000382

  • Built with Magics++ 2.12.8

  • Small updates to the WMS client module

Update 2011-06-03

  • Rebuilt ODB modules using latest ODB libraries (CY37R3.001 and 0.8.5)

Update 2011-06-06

  • Added ODB to the command-line version of the data examiners, invoked with:

  • metview4 -e odb /path/to/ODB-database

User Version 4.0.5

Upgrade 2011-05-16 (all platforms)

Version 4.0.5 became User Version at ECMWF

Test Version 4.0.5

Introduced 2011-05-10 (Linux desktops, lxab cluster, ecgate)

  • Installed as metview4_new

  • Uses latest Mars client code, GRIB_API 1.9.10 and emoslib 000382

  • Built with Magics++ 2.12.7

  • Fixed issue in Potential Temperature module which affected computations involving multiple fields

Update 2011-05-12

  • New ‘standalone’ data examiner mode - to examine a data GRIB or BUFR data file, use the command syntax:

  • metview4 -e grib /path/to/grib/file

  • metview4 -e bufr /path/to/bufr/file

User Version 4.0.4

Upgrade 2011-04-06 (all platforms)

Version 4.0.4 became User Version at ECMWF

Export Version 4.0.3

External release 2011-03-24

Version 4.0.3-export became available

Test Version 4.0.3

Introduced 2011-03-24 (Linux desktops)

  • Rebuilt with latest Mars client, GRIB_API 1.9.9 and emoslib 000381 for GRIB 2 transformation / interpolation.

  • Menory leak fixed in macro function datainfo().

Test Version 4.0.2

Introduced 2010-12-08 (Linux desktops, lxab cluster ; ecgate 2011-01-06)

  • Installed as metview4_new

  • Uses latest Mars client code

  • Uses a snapshot version of GRIB_API 1.9.7

Update 2011-01-06 (Linux desktops, lxab cluster, ecgate)

  • Large expansion of the vector macro data type:

    • In functions such as gridvals() which return a large list of numbers, the use of the vector data type is much more efficient. As the accessing of vector elements is identical to the accessing of list elements, it was decided to change a number of macro functions which currently return a list of numbers to return instead a vector. This also prompted a development of the functions available on vectors.

    • New vector functionality: Vector functions now available include unary operators such as abs(), cos(), etc and binary operators such as +, -, >, min, etc. These are the same set of basic operators and functions that are available for fieldsets, geopoints and numbers.

    • New macro functions: The following are new macro functions:

      • set_gridvals(fieldset, vector) - takes a vector or a list of vectors; if a single vector, then it is applied to all fields; if a list of vectors, then there must be the same number of vectors as there are fields.

      • gridlats(fieldset), gridlons(fieldset) - return vectors.

      • tolist(vector) - convert a vector to a list of numbers (missing values become nil)

    • Revised functions: In addition, the following existing functions were modified in order to return or accept vectors instead of lists:

      gridvals(), grib_get_long_array(), grib_get_double_array(), average_ew(), average_ns(),
      level(geopoints), latitude(geopoints), longitude(geopoints), value(geopoints),
      value2(geopoints), value(odb)

      The following functions on geopoints now accept either a list of numbers or a vector as input:

      set_latitude(), set_longitude(), set_level(), set_date(),
      set_time(),set_value(), set_value2()
    • Missing values: New functions are available for converting missing values: bitmap(vector,number) and nobitmap(vector,number). A new global variable, vector_missing_value, now exists for the purpose of testing vector elements. Missing values derived from fieldsets and geopoints variables are honoured.

    • Concatenation: Can concatenate 2 vectors, e.g.:

         c = a & b
      Can append a number to a vector, e.g::
         v = v & 7
    • Building a vector: The most efficient way to build a vector is to pre-allocate and then fill:

      a = vector(num_elements)
      for i = 1 to num_elements do
      a[i] = i
      end forSimple vector definition:
      a = |1, 2, 3, 4, 5|

Update 2011-01-17 (Linux desktops, lxab cluster, ecgate)

  • More expansion of the vector macro data type:

  • Macro function values(netcdf) now returns a vector.

  • The full set of ways to access a subset of a list was added to the vector data type in Macro, ie vector[i], vector[first, last], vector[first, last, step].

  • Also, a additional fourth parameter is now accepted (for vectors only): if supplied, it specifies how many elements to extract from the current step. For example, while vector[1, 20, 5] will create a new vector with elements from these indexes: 1,6,11,16, vector[1, 20, 5, 2] will create a new vector with elements from these indexes: 1,2,6,7,11,12,16,17. If a vector is actually holding data from a rectangular structure, this form could be used to extract a ‘sub-area’.

  • Additionally, it is now possible to assign a vector to an indexed position in another vector, for example: v[4] = |99,99,99|. In this example, elements 4, 5 and 6 of v will be replaced.

Update 2011-01-31 (Linux desktops, lxab cluster, ecgate)

  • ODB examiner has a new tab which enables the inspection of data values

  • Improved performance of scrolling large message lists in GRIB and BUFR examiners

  • Small fixes in the Macro editor

  • Rebuilt with emoslib 000377, new GRIB_API 1.9.7 and Mars code for GRIB interpolation

Update 2011-02-07 (Linux desktops, lxab cluster, ecgate)

  • Updated with the latest emoslib 000377 and Mars code

  • WMS client editor redesigned and improved in ‘plain mode’

  • Macro/fortran interface issue resolved for 64-bit systems

  • Magics errors now being reported when run in batch mode

Update 2011-02-09 (Linux desktops, lxab cluster, ecgate)

  • New macro function: fieldset indexes(fieldset, vector) Given a fieldset and a vector of target values, this function finds for each gridpoint the indexes of the nearest values in the target. Indexes are zero-based and will always have a minimum value of zero and a maximum value equal to the index of the last element of the target vector. A value lying between two values in the vector will use the index of the nearest value; if equidistant, then the higher value is used. The input vector MUST be sorted in ascending order. Example: if these are our inputs:

    GRIB: 10,20,30,40    VECTOR: | 5,10,15,20,25,30 |
          8, 4,20,11

    then our output would be a new GRIB, with values equal to the input values’ positions in the input vector:

    GRIB: 1,3,5,5
  • Macro function nearest_gridpoint() now accepts vector locations. New mode:

    • vector or list nearest_gridpoint(fieldset, vector, vector) Updated function description: Returns the value of the nearest point to a given location in each field of a fieldset. If a list is given, it must contain two numbers - latitude and longitude. If two numbers or vectors are given, the first is the latitude(s), the second the longitude(s).The field must be a lat-long field. If the fieldset has only one field, a number or vector is returned; otherwise a list is returned. Where it is not possible to generate a sensible value due to lack of valid data in the fieldset, a ‘nil’ is returned in the case of a single coordinate, or vector_missing_value in the case of a vector. A performance test which extracted 20000 points from a set of 6 fields showed that the vector version took 0.27u/0.01s CPU, whereas performing a loop to extract the same points took 46.02u/1.63s CPU.

Update 2011-03-01 (Linux desktops, lxab cluster; ecgate 2011-03-02)

  • New macro functions: minvalue(vector) and maxvalue(vector). Both functions return a number; if there are no valid values in the input vector, then nil is returned.

  • Passing vector arguments to inline C/Fortran code in a macro is now much more efficient for large data sets.

  • The Reprojection module has been re-introduced (the module was never documented - please ask the Visualisation Section for more information on it).

  • The resulting ODB of the ODB/SQL query in the ODB Manager icon can now be examined and saved.

  • Certain icons have a “save” item in their context menu. This brings up a file selection dialog of which initial directory is now set to the folder of the icon.

  • The WMS Client can now be used in macro via the wmsclient() macro command.

  • Rebuilt with GRIB_API 1.9.8 and the latest Mars client code.

User Version 4.0.1

Upgrade 2010-12-07 (all platforms)

Version 4.0.1 became User Version at ECMWF

Test Version 4.0.1

Introduced 2010-12-06 (Linux desktops, lxab cluster and ecgate)

  • Installed as metview4_new

  • Export version available

  • Display Window has a new section to display meta-data about a layer; currently only used for WMS layers

  • Various fixes in WMS client

  • New macro function grib_set_string()

  • Added ‘Insert Code Template’ functionality to Macro editor

  • Macro editor can now be used to edit and run shell commands

  • DivRot module been partially re-written, and now has a new mode, UVWIND, macro function uvwind(), for more efficient computation of U/V from VO/D

  • Improvements to ODB interface

  • Various fixes

  • Some small compilation issues fixed

Version 4.0.0

Introduced 2010-09-27 (Linux desktops, lxab cluster and ecgate)

  • First official release of Metview 4

  • Export version available

  • This version is for evaluation, and we value any feedback

  • It is not intended for operational use