Version 5.7 Updates

Version 5.7.5

  • Externally released on 2020-01-14

  • Became metview/new at ECMWF on 2020-01-14 (Linux desktops, ecgate, lxc, lxop)

  • At ECMWF:

    • Installed 2020-01-14

    • Built with Magics 4.2.4

    • Built with ecCodes 2.16.0

    • Built with ODB_API version 0.19.2

    • Built with emoslib 000462

    • Includes version 1.3.3 of the Python interface


  • fixed issue where regridding of previously retrieved spectral U/V fields was not taking into account the latitude weighting

  • fixed issue where the BUFR filtering in the Bufr Picker icon and the Bufr Examiner did not correctly handle the case where the coordinate value was missing

  • fixed issue where FLEXPART Prepare could fail with a “missing level” error

  • fixed issue where the ml_to_hl function failed when run from Python

  • fixed issue where netCDF data with values encoded as unsigned short (ushort) could not be read

  • fixed issue where the Contouring icon did not allow the parameter Contour Reference Level to be set if parameters Contour or Contour Highlight were “Off”

  • fixed issue in the Table Reader where Table Column Types only worked with uppercase “STRING”; now it works with any case

  • improved the inline editor tips for the Table Reader

  • fixed issue running the “metview -p /path/to/file” command to plot a file directly from the command line

  • fixed issue where a first-time startup of Metview on MacOS 10.15 would fail to create the default user directory

Version 5.7.4

  • Externally released on 2019-12-06

  • Became metview/new at ECMWF on 2019-12-09   (Linux desktops, ecgate, lxc, lxop)

  • At ECMWF:

    • Installed 2019-12-06

    • Built with Magics 4.2.3

    • Built with ecCodes 2.15.0

    • Built with ODB_API version 0.19.2

    • Built with emoslib 000462

    • Includes version 1.3.2 of the Python interface


  • fixed issue where the Percentile module did not correctly handle missing values in the input data. Added a new parameter:

    • compute_if_missing: ‘on’  (this is the default)

      • for each grid point, the percentiles are computed using only the non-missing values

    • compute_if_missing: ‘off’

      • for each grid point, if there are any missing values, the result will be a missing value

  • fixed issue where the main user interface crashed if a Macro Parameters icon is run more than once

  • fixed issue in FLEXPART Run module when dealing with high resolution grids

  • fixed issue where the FLEXPART trajectory output file is not correctly parsed

  • added macro function to convert raw trajectory output to Metview CSV format. The function is as follows:

    • flexpart_convert_trajectory(raw_tr_file, outprefix)

    • The ASCII file generated by FLEXPART (raw_tr_file) is split according to releases and converted into a CSV format that is better suited to Metview.

    • The output filenames are as follows: outprefix_rRRR.csv where RRR is the release number (starts from one) with leading zeros.

Version 5.7.3

  • Externally released on 2019-11-28

  • Became metview/new at ECMWF on 2019-11-28   (Linux desktops, ecgate, lxc, lxop)

  • At ECMWF:

    • Installed 2019-11-28

    • Built with Magics 4.2.3

    • Built with ecCodes 2.15.0

    • Built with ODB_API version 0.19.2

    • Built with emoslib 000462

    • Includes version 1.3.0 of the Python interface


  • fixed issue where NetCDF variables encoded with signed byte arrays were not properly handled

  • fixed issue with the title generated from plots of FLEXPART data when the time steps are smaller than one hour

  • fixed issue with the RPMs not finding the correct libraries

  • implemented small change in Magics 4.2.3 that could help overcome a rare problem where text appeared upside down in the interactive plot window

    • if you experience this problem, please ensure that you use Magics 4.2.3, and set the environment variable MV_FORCE_TEXT_PEN=1 before starting Metview, and please give us your feedback!

Version 5.7.2

  • Externally released on 2019-11-06 (get the tarball to avoid an unnecessary message being printed when importing Metview’s Python module)

  • Became metview/new at ECMWF on 2019-11-06 (Linux desktops, ecgate, lxc, lxop)

  • At ECMWF:

    • Installed 2019-11-06

    • Built with Magics 4.2.0

    • Built with ecCodes 2.14.0

    • Built with ODB_API version 0.19.1

    • Built with emoslib 000462

    • Includes version 1.3.0 of the Python interface


  • fixed issue where the title of a cross section could show the wrong parameter

  • fixed issue where the function surrounding_points_indexes() gave a wrong result when the longitude of the target point was 360 and the grid was reduced Gaussian

  • fixed issue where the Thermo Data module could write null time values into its result if the input was BUFR

  • fixed issue where the Observation Filter did not correctly handle BUFR data with empty station IDs

  • fixed issue where Metview’s MARS client module generated suplerfluous messages when run

Version 5.7.1

This was just a rebuild of Metview on ECMWF’s HPC with plotting enabled.

Version 5.7.0

  • Externally released on 2019-10-04

  • Became metview/new at ECMWF on 2019-10-04 (Linux desktops, ecgate, lxc, lxop)

  • At ECMWF:

    • Installed 2019-10-04

    • Built with Magics 4.2.0

    • Built with ecCodes 2.14.0

    • Built with ODB_API version 0.19.1

    • Built with emoslib 000462

    • Includes version 1.3.0 of the Python interface


  • fixed crash in the Contouring icon editor on macos


  • it is now possible to view the online documentation in a web browser for all the functions/icons listed in the Code Editor sidebar:


    A detailed description about the usage of the the Code Editor sidebar was made vailable at: Integrated help in the Code Editor

  • geopoints functions create_geo() and set_dates() now accept date variables in Macro or datetime variables in Python

  • geopoints can now have missing values for latitudes and longitudes, and they will be ignored by most operations

  • new geopoints function: mask()

  • new fieldsets function: ml_to_hl(…) - interpolates fieldsets from model levels to height levels above ground or sea level

  • new function: percentile(vector)

    • p = percentile(vdata, |2, 99, 60|) # compute 2nd, 99th and 60th percentiles of vdat

  • the grib_get_xxx() functions no longer print warning messages if the requested key does not exist (they return nil/None, which can be checked)

  • fixed issue where the nearest_gridpoint() function did not produce correct results with certain reduced Gaussian grids on sub-areas


  • added new option called **Map Layer Mode **to the Coastlines icon to control how the map is rendered into the foreground or/and background of the plot. The possible values are as follows: split, foreground, background.

  • added new context menu option to the icons in the Layer sidebar, “Save as” to save a copy of visdef icons modified directly in the plot window

  • fixed issue when the polar_north and polar_south projections resulted in empty plots when specified via certain corner coordinates.


  • set the environment variable METVIEW_MARS_LOG=1 before starting Metview in order to obtain useful logging information from the MARS client without setting -slog


  • the BUFR Examiner contains a new tab called “Descriptors” showing all the expanded descriptors (only metadata) of the given message.


  • fixed issue where the Spectra module produced an empty plot


  • the Percentile module (that acts on GRIB data) previously had a restriction that the number of percentiles computed could not exceed the number of fields in the GRIB data. This restriction has now been lifted.

Potential Temperature: