Version 5.0 Updates

Version 5.0.3

  • Externally released on 2018-05-xx

  • Became metview/new at ECMWF on 2018-05-16 (Linux desktops, ecgate, lxc, lxop)

  • At ECMWF:

    • Installed 2018-05-16

    • Built with Magics 3.0.4

    • Built with ecCodes 2.7.3

    • Built with ODB_API version 0.17.6

    • Built with emoslib 000455

  • Macro:

    • added new function to return the subtype of a geopoints variable

  • MARS:

    • rebuilt MARS client with ODB support

  • Hovmoeller:

    • fixed issue where the Hovmoeller module crashed when processing monthly average analysis data

  • Plotting:

    • Fixed issue where the wind barbs were not plotted in a Tephigram (netCDF issue, fixed with Magics 3.0.4)

    • Fixed issue where the SCM Visualiser crashed (netCDF issue, fixed with Magics 3.0.4)

    • Portugal is now on the list of countries with administrative borders

    • fixed crash which occurred in very specific circumstances - if the data is GRIB read from a read() command with a source parameter with a relative path, and the plot() command contains a view definition

  • Macro Editor:

    • fixed keyboard shortcuts which had broken: ‘enlarge font’ and ‘indent code’

    • fixed the status line which indicates the time taken for the macro to run

  • Installation:

    • built with Qt4 while we investigate crashes on closedown with Qt5

Version 5.0.2

Became metview/new at ECMWF on 2018-04-18 (Linux desktops, ecgate, lxc, lxop)

  • At ECMWF:

    • Installed 2018-04-018

    • Built with Magics 3.0.

    • Built with ecCodes 2.7.3

    • Built with ODB_API version 0.17.6

    • Built with emoslib 000455

  • Macro: fixes for inline C/Fortran

  • Build: Take into consideration the ENABLE_MEMFS option in ecCodes when computing paths to definition files (when built as the Metview Bundle)

Version 5.0.1

  • Externally released on 2018-03-01

  • Became metview/new at ECMWF on 2018-03-05 (Linux desktops, ecgate, lxc, lxop)

  • At ECMWF:

    • Installed 2018-03-01

    • Built with Magics 3.0.1

    • Built with ecCodes 2.7.0

    • Built with ODB_API version 0.17.6

    • Built with emoslib 000454

  • Plotting:

    • added new parameter to the Contouring icon to control the number of threads used when computing isolines - can be 1, 4 (default) or 9

    • it is now possible to drop a Taylor Grid icon into the plot window

  • Macro:

    • added new function to return the indexes of the four points surrounding the given location - see the description of surrounding_points_indexes in Fieldset Functions

    • the vector data type can now be of zero length

    • new information function is_feature_available() to dynamically test for features available in the current Metview build - see Information Functions

    • newly created macros now have a .mv extension

    • fixed issue in the Macro Editor where it did not show output until the end of the macro

  • Stations:

    • updated the list of WMO stations used by the Stations module

  • Installation:

    • fixed linking problems on Ubuntu

    • new CMake option -DENABLE_FORTRAN=OFF (default is ON)

    • environment variable METVIEW_LOCALHOST is now set by default (set to 0 to disable)

    • startup from the build directory now directly starts Metview without the xserv bar; to invoke the xserv bar, start Metview as “metview -xserv”

    • optionally, Metview can now be built with ninja instead of make (give the -GNinja option to CMake)

Version 5.0.0 Beta

  • Externally released on 2017-12-20

  • Available internally ECMWF via the command “module swap metview/5b” on 2017-12-20 (Linux desktops, ecgate, lxc, lxop)

  • At ECMWF:

    • Installed 2017-12-20

    • Built with Magics 3.0.0

    • Built with ecCodes 2.6.0

    • Built with ODB_API version 0.17.6

    • Built with emoslib 000453


Welcome to the beta release of Metview 5.0! This is very close to what we’d like to release in early 2017, so we’d appreciate testing and feedback. Note that this version requires Magics version 3.0.0.


New interactive layer management inside the plot window, allowing for faster plot revisions

Visual definitions can now be dropped directly onto specific layers in the plot window’s sidebar, or even edited directly from within the sidebar! See Layer Management for more.


Per-colour transparency

The colour picker in the icon editors now has support for alpha (opacity) values, and the interactive Display Window now also supports alpha values per colour. In Macro, these are specified as RGBA, e.g. “RGBA(1, 0, 0, 0.8)” for a red colour with 80% opacity (0 is invisible, 1 is full opacity). Note that PostScript output does not support transparency.

# Metview Macro

#  **************************** LICENSE START ***********************************
#  Copyright 2017 ECMWF. This software is distributed under the terms
#  of the Apache License version 2.0. In applying this license, ECMWF does not
#  waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by virtue of its status as
#  an Intergovernmental Organization or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
#  ***************************** LICENSE END ************************************

# retrieve simulated satellite image
simsat = retrieve(
   type       : "ssd",
   expver     : 0001,
   param      : 260510,
   date       : -3,
   step       : 0,
   channel    : 9,
   ident      : 57,
   instrument : 207

# retrieve precipitation
tp = retrieve(
   type    : "pf",
   stream  : "ef",
   levtype : "sfc",
   param   : "tp",
   date    : -3,
   step    : 6,
   number  : "all",
   grid    : [0.5,0.5]

prob_tp = mean(tp > 0.005) * 100 # probability of > 5mm of precipitation

sat_shade = mcont(
   legend                         : "on",
   contour                        : "off",
   contour_level_count            : 20,
   contour_label                  : "off",
   contour_shade                  : "on",
   contour_shade_technique        : "cell_shading",
   contour_shade_cell_resolution  : 40,
   contour_shade_cell_method      : "interpolate",
   contour_shade_max_level_colour : "black",
   contour_shade_min_level_colour : "white",
   contour_shade_colour_direction : "clockwise"

tp_prob_shade = mcont(
   legend                       : "on",
   contour                      : "off",
   contour_level_selection_type : "level_list",
   contour_level_list           : [5,20,40,60,80,95,105],
   contour_label                : "off",
   contour_shade                : "on",
   contour_shade_colour_method  : "list",
   contour_shade_method         : "area_fill",
   contour_shade_colour_list    : ["RGBA(0.48,0.82,0.78,0.38)",

coastlines = mcoast(
   map_coastline_colour    : "RGB(0.97,0.94,0.41)",
   map_coastline_thickness : 2,
   map_grid_colour         : "RGB(0.95,0.92,0.69)"

plot(simsat, sat_shade, prob_tp, tp_prob_shade, coastlines)




|\_scrol l_extern al/attac hments/m etview-t ranspare ncy-edit or-8f66a 683faf97 dc1e3564 0f91e03d 445e78c4 395745ec 426979cf 732848a3 c55.png|

|\_sc roll_e xterna l/atta chment s/tran sparen t-sat- precip -2-e77 310bd7 b9ae1b 2af014 51250a 545afc 66c7af 7c6d61 1d8815 4577f9 d3d4f2 b.png|

# Metview Macro

# **************************** LICENSE START ***********************************


# Copyright 2017 ECMWF. This software is distributed under the terms

# of the Apache License version 2.0. In applying this license, ECMWF does not

# waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by virtue of its status as

# an Intergovernmental Organization or submit itself to any jurisdiction.


# ***************************** LICENSE END ************************************

# retrieve simulated satellite image

simsat = retrieve(

type : “ssd”,

expver : 0001,

param : 260510,

date : -3,

step : 0,

channel : 9,

ident : 57,

instrument : 207


# retrieve precipitation

tp = retrieve(

type : “pf”,

stream : “ef”,

levtype : “sfc”,

param : “tp”,

date : -3,

step : 6,

number : “all”,

grid : [0.5,0.5]


prob_tp = mean(tp > 0.005) * 100 # probability of > 5mm of precipitation

sat_shade = mcont(

legend : “on”,

contour : “off”,

contour_level_count : 20,

contour_label : “off”,

contour_shade : “on”,

contour_shade_technique : “cell_shading”,

contour_shade_cell_resolution : 40,

contour_shade_cell_method : “interpolate”,

contour_shade_max_level_colour : “black”,

contour_shade_min_level_colour : “white”,

contour_shade_colour_direction : “clockwise”


tp_prob_shade = mcont(

legend : “on”,

contour : “off”,

contour_level_selection_type : “level_list”,

contour_level_list : [5,20,40,60,80,95,105],

contour_label : “off”,

contour_shade : “on”,

contour_shade_colour_method : “list”,

contour_shade_method : “area_fill”,

contour_shade_colour_list : [“RGBA(0.48,0.82,0.78,0.38)”,







coastlines = mcoast(

map_coastline_colour : “RGB(0.97,0.94,0.41)”,

map_coastline_thickness : 2,

map_grid_colour : “RGB(0.95,0.92,0.69)”


plot(simsat, sat_shade, prob_tp, tp_prob_shade, coastlines)

New colour gradients shading option

New options were added to the Contouring icon, facilitating more powerful colour scales within a single Contouring definition. Please see How to use the colour gradient editor for more information on this feature. More examples will be added to the Gallery!

# Metview Macro

#  **************************** LICENSE START ***********************************
#  Copyright 2015 ECMWF. This software is distributed under the terms
#  of the Apache License version 2.0. In applying this license, ECMWF does not
#  waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by virtue of its status as
#  an Intergovernmental Organization or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
#  ***************************** LICENSE END ************************************

# read the input grib file
my_data = read("t850.grb")

#set up the contours
my_contour = mcont(
   legend                            : "on",
   contour                           : "off",
   contour_level_selection_type      : "level_list",
   contour_level_list                : [-40,-20,0,20,40],
   contour_gradients_step_list       : 10,
   contour_label                     : "off",
   contour_shade                     : "on",
   contour_shade_colour_method       : "gradients",
   contour_gradients_technique       : "rgb",
   contour_shade_method              : "area_fill",
   contour_gradients_colour_list     : ["RGB(0.01961,0.251,0.4157)","greenish_blue","white","orangish_red","RGB(0.3756,0.06648,0.05582)"],
   contour_gradients_waypoint_method : "ignore"

# set up the coastlines
my_coast = mcoast(map_coastline_colour            : "charcoal",
                  map_coastline_resolution        : "medium",
                  map_coastline_thickness         : 2,
                  map_coastline_land_shade        : "off",
                  map_coastline_land_shade_colour : "RGB(0.25,0.25,0.25)",
                  map_coastline_sea_shade         : "off",
                  map_grid_line_style             : "dash",
                  map_grid_colour                 : "charcoal"

# set up the geographical view
my_view = geoview(map_area_definition : "corners",
                  map_projection      : "cylindrical",
                  area                : [20.00,-20.00,70.00,50.00],
                  coastlines          : my_coast)

# set-up the title
my_title = mtext(text_font_size     : 0.6,
               text_lines         : ["Gradients technique for shading",
                                       "Computing a range of colours with 5 waypoints given as level list",
                                       "<font colour='evergreen'>contour_level_list                      : [-40,-20,0,20,40]</font>",
                                       "<font colour='evergreen'>contour_gradients_step_list     : 10 </font>",
                                       "<font colour='red'>10</font> colours between each 2 waypoints"],
               text_justification : "left",
               text_colour        : "charcoal")

# set up a legend for the field
my_legend = mlegend(legend_text_colour    : "charcoal",
                  legend_text_font_size : 0.35,
                  legend_display_type   : "continuous",
                  legend_box_mode       : "positional",
                  legend_box_x_position : 25.00,
                  legend_box_y_position : -1.00,
                  legend_box_x_length   : 3.00,
                  legend_box_y_length   : 17.50)

# plot the data onto the map
plot(my_view, my_data, my_contour, my_legend, my_title)





|\_ scro ll_e xter nal/ atta chme nts/ grad ient s-ex -1-a bffe f343 89b7 5171 5e1f 3dee caff 93d4 d672 19bc e573 165a 4613 7e27 ba61 42c. png|

|\ _scrol l_exte rnal/a ttachm ents/g radien ts-edi tor-ex -1-d5b 7cc5b9 654e69 286342 7150e0 fc8594 f8018f 1d3997 f186f0 1a20ff 30d506 c.png|

# Metview Macro

# **************************** LICENSE START



# Copyright 2017 ECMWF. This software is distributed under the terms

# of the Apache License version 2.0. In applying this license, ECMWF does not

# waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by virtue of its status as

# an Intergovernmental Organization or submit itself to any jurisdiction.


# ***************************** LICENSE END *


# read the input grib file

my_data = read(‘visibility.grib’)

#set up the contours

my_contour = mcont(

legend : “on”,

contour : “off”,

contour_level_selection_type : “level_list”,

contour_level_list : [0,500,2000,6000,10000,40000],

contour_label : “off”,

contour_shade : “on”,

contour_shade_colour_method : “gradients”,

contour_shade_method : “area_fill”,

contour_gradients_colour_list : [“magenta

“,”yellow”,”yellowish_green”,”ecmwf_ blue”,”RGB(0.74,0.8,0.92)”,”white”],

contour_gradients_waypoint_method : “left”,

contour_gradients_technique : “hsl”,



: “anti_clockwise”,

contour_gradients_step_list : [5,3,4,2,3]


# set up the coastlines

my_coast = mcoast(map_coastline_colour : “charcoal”,

map_coastline_resolution : “medium”,

map_coastline_thickness : 2,

map_coastline_land_shade : “off”,

map_coastline_sea_shade : “off”,

map_grid_line_style : “dash”,

map_label_height : 0.4,

map_grid_colour : “charcoal”


# set up the geographical view

my_view = geoview(map_area_definition : “corners”,

map_projection : “cylindrical”,

area :


coastlines : my_coast)

# set-up the title

my_title = mtext(text_font_size : 0.6,

text_lines : [“Visibility - Gradients method for shading”,

“Computing a range of colours with 6 waypoints which are given as level list”,

“<font c


: [0, 500, 2000, 6000, 10000, 40000]</font>”,

“<font colour=’ev


: [5, 3, 4, 2, 3]</font>”,

“<font colour=’red’>5</font> colours between <font colour=’red’>0</font> and <font colour=’red’>500</font>, “

& “<font colour=’red’>3</font> between <font colour=’red’>500</font> and <font colour=’red’>2000</font>, “

& “<font colour=’red’>4</font> between <font colour=’red’>2000</font> and <font colour=’red’>6000</font>…”],

text_justification : “left”,

text_colour : “charcoal”)

# set up a legend for the field

my_legend = mlegend(legend_text_colour : “charcoal”,

legend_text_font_size : 0.4,

legend_display_type : “continuous”,

legend_box_mode : “positional”,

legend_box_x_position : 25.00,

legend_box_y_position : 0.2,

legend_box_x_length : 3.00,

legend_box_y_length : 17.50)

plot(my_view, my_data, my_contour, my_legend, my_title)

`visibil ity.grib


//conflu ence.ecm ownload/ attachme nts/9231 0567/vis ibility. grib?api =v2&modi fication Date=151 37831866 19&versi on=1>`__

|\_ scro ll_e xter nal/ atta chme nts/ grad ient s-ex -2-1 e29b 47c1 192a de8c 0192 0d3a c98c 45e3 7cb6 8b13 07ba 0378 74b1 2244 daf0 e6c. png|

|\ _scrol l_exte rnal/a ttachm ents/g radien ts-edi tor-ex -2-6b6 1102ea 3f77ea d20888 1baa38 24e6cf 3cda6f 87ef9e 82ae4e f5d5ec 1fd30b 1.png|

# Metview Macro

# **************************** LICENSE START



# Copyright 2015 ECMWF. This software is distributed under the terms

# of the Apache License version 2.0. In applying this license, ECMWF does not

# waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by virtue of its status as

# an Intergovernmental Organization or submit itself to any jurisdiction.


# ***************************** LICENSE END *


# read the input grib file

my_data = read(“t850.grb”)

#set up the contours

my_contour = mcont(

legend : “on”,

contour : “off”,

contour_level_selection_type : “level_list”,

contour_level_list : [-40,-20,0,20,40],

contour_gradients_step_list : 10,

contour_label : “off”,

contour_shade : “on”,

contour_shade_colour_method : “gradients”,

contour_gradients_technique : “rgb”,

contour_shade_method : “area_fill”,

contour_gradients_colour_list : [“RGB(0.01961,0.251,0.4157)

“,”greenish_blue”,”white”,”orangish_ red”,”RGB(0.3756,0.06648,0.05582)”],

contour_gradients_waypoint_method : “ignore”


# set up the coastlines

my_coast = mcoast(map_coastline_colour : “charcoal”,

map_coastline_resolution : “medium”,

map_coastline_thickness : 2,

map_coastline_land_shade : “off”,

map_coastline_land_shade_colour : “RGB(0.25,0.25,0.25)”,

map_coastline_sea_shade : “off”,

map_grid_line_style : “dash”,

map_grid_colour : “charcoal”


# set up the geographical view

my_view = geoview(map_area_definition : “corners”,

map_projection : “cylindrical”,

area :


coastlines : my_coast)

# set-up the title

my_title = mtext(text_font_size : 0.6,

text_lines : [“Gradients technique for shading”,

“Computing a range of colours with 5 waypoints given as level list”,

“<font c


: [-40,-20,0,20,40]</font>”,

“<font colour=’ev


: 10 </font>”,

“<font colour=’red’>10</font> colours between each 2 waypoints”],

text_justification : “left”,

text_colour : “charcoal”)

# set up a legend for the field

my_legend = mlegend(legend_text_colour : “charcoal”,

legend_text_font_size : 0.35,

legend_display_type : “continuous”,

legend_box_mode : “positional”,

legend_box_x_position : 25.00,

legend_box_y_position : -1.00,

legend_box_x_length : 3.00,

legend_box_y_length : 17.50)

# plot the data onto the map

plot(my_view, my_data, my_contour, my_legend, my_title)

t 850.grb

FLEXPART support added

A new interface was developed for the FLEXPART Lagrangian particle dispersion model. The FLEXPART interface page gives an overview about the installation and setup of FLEXPART and also serves as a hub to access the icon documentation and the FLEXPART tutorial.

Macro Editor has new colour schemes

The Macro Editor has introduced two new colour schemes: solarized dark and solarized light. The colour scheme can be selected from the Settings -> Colour Scheme menu. The original colour scheme is called Metview and is kept as default.

../_images/image93.png ../_images/image103.png

Other features of Metview 5

  • Plotting:

    • added MImport icon for adding image files to a plot (this only partially worked in the past)

    • enabled line and symbol properties to be changed when in AREA mode in the Graph Plotting icon

    • added new parameter Map Cities Text Blanking to the Coastlines icon

    • added new parameters to draw a frame around the edge of the grid in the Coastlines icon, for selected projections that do not fill the page

    • added the ability to plot horizontal bar charts via the new Graph Bar Orientation parameter in the Graph Plotting icon

    • fixed issue where plotting a curve via the Table Visualiser did not work when the output was to file

    • fixed issue where the Macro code generated by the Generate Macro function in the Display Window produced incorrect code for the Simple Formula icon

    • the default output file format has been changed from PostScript to PDF

    • the behaviour of Text Plotting icons (mtext() in Macro) has changed slighly - see the Metview FAQ - old for details of this and how to compensate for it

  • Macro:

    • improved handling of netCDF data when the current variable is time-based - see NetCDF. Note that this is a change in behaviour, and existing macros may have to be revised.

    • improved handling of netCDF data where a computation could lead to the overflow of the storage data type - see NetCDFNote that this is a change in behaviour, and existing macros may have to be revised.

    • improved handling of netCDF data where the current variable has scale_factor and add_offset attributes - these are now automatically applied - see NetCDFNote that this is a change in behaviour, and existing macros may have to be revised.

    • added a macro library function to draw a circle with a given radius in km onto a map - mvl_geocircle()

    • fixed problem where the valid_date() function could give the wrong result given data with a very large step

    • fixed problem where a Macro operation on a netCDF variable could overwrite the original file if it is a symbolic link

    • change in behaviour: the grib_get_xxx() functions now return nil if the given key is not found

    • change in behaviour: when indexing a vector like this: v[a,a], i.e. two indexes the same, the result will be a single-element vector; the previous behaviour was to return a number

    • ensure that an incorrect indexing of a fieldset variable returns an error

    • ensure that an incorrect indexing of a geopoints variable returns an error

  • Vertical Profile: removed the redundant option Area 2 from Input Mode; please use Area instead, as it is identical


    • the default value for the FLEXTRA Area parameter changed in the FLEXTRA Prepare - old icon. The new default is: -90/-179/90/180.

    • fixed issue where FLEXTRA did not properly handle global GRIB 2 fields

    • it is now possible to specify a relative path for FLEXTRA Input Path in the FLEXTRA Run icon

    • a new  FLEXTRA page was created in confluence providing an overview about the installation, setup and use of the FLEXTRA interface.

    • the FLEXTRA tutorial has been moved to Confluence

  • Macro Editor:

    • revised which actions are available via the toolbar, providing a cleaner interface

    • settings are now saved immediately (font size, show line numbers, theme)

  • GRIB:

    • it is now possible, with care, to handle and plot very large GRIB fields (e.g. 1km global) - see Visualising large data files with Metview

    • GRIB Examiner now correctly displays the sections of a GRIB 3 file

  • Desktop:

    • new icon context menu action called “Delete” (shortcut is Shift+Delete). With this action the icon is deleted permanently (not moved to the wastebasket).

    • new icon context menu action called “Copy filesystem path” to copy an icon’s path to the clipboard

    • selecting Log from the menu raises the existing log window if it is open

    • added action in the Go menu to navigate to the Defaults folder

    • Metview no longer asks for confirmation when closing down, unless there are multiple windows

    • the Log window now uses a monospaced font for easier reading of aligned text

    • improved the process of renaming icons from the user interface (when we edit the icon name the whole text is automatically selected; pressing enter in the text editor or clicking outside the icon confirms the renaming)

    • fixed issue where the Desktop could get into a bad state if an opened folder is moved, or if Metview is started on a system that cannot see a folder that was open when Metview was last closed

  • Startup: fixed issue when starting Metview for the first time on a system where there is a pre-existing directory called metview

  • Qt: Metview now looks for Qt5 by default. To build with Qt4 (still supported for the time being, please build with -DENABLE_QT5=OFF)

  • Motif: completely removed the old Motif-based user interface from Metview’s source code