

Defines a projection for a Cartesian-style coordinate system. This should be used for any plot which is not to be displayed on a map. Once the projection has been defined through the axis specification, data points should be provided in this coordinate system. For further details on the role and usage of views in the visualisation process, please see Analysis Views.


This function performs the same task as the Cartesian View icon in Metview’s user interface. It accepts its parameters as keyword arguments, described below.


Defines the view for a Cartesian-style coordinate system.

  • map_projection ({"cartesian", "tephigram", "skewt", "emagram", "taylor"}, default: "cartesian") – Specifies the plot type.

  • x_automatic ({"on", "off"}, default: "off") – Determines whether the x-coordinate system should be defined automatically based on the first data to be plotted in the view; if so, the axis will range, left to right, from the minimum to the maximum value in the data. If not, the minimum and maximum values should be specified.

  • x_axis_type ({"regular", "date", "logarithmic", "geoline"}, default: "regular") –

    Determines the type of coordinates on this axis:

    • ”regular”: the values are numbers

    • ”date” : the values are dates.

    • ”logarithmic”: the values are numbers, but the axis will be displayed on a logarithmic scale

    • ”geoline”: the axis limits should be provided as geographical coordinates; this can be used for displaying cross sections, or other plots where an axis represents a geographical line

  • x_min (number, default: 0) – The leftmost value of the x axis, this parameter is only used if x_axis_type is set to “regular” or “logarithmic”.

  • x_max (number, default: 100) – The rightmost value of the x axis, this parameter is only used if x_axis_type type is set to “regular” or “logarithmic”.

  • x_min_latitude (number, default: -90) – The leftmost latitude value of the x axis, this parameter is only used if x_axis_type is set to “geoline”.

  • x_max_latitude (number, default: 90) – The rightmost latitude value of the x axis, this parameter is only used if x_axis_type is set to “geoline”.

  • x_min_longitude (number, default: -180) – The leftmost longitude value of the x axis, this parameter is only used if x_axis_type is set to “geoline”.

  • x_max_longitude (number, default: 180) – The rightmost longitude value of the x axis, this parameter is only used if x_axis_type is set to “geoline”.

  • x_date_min (str, default: "2011-01-01") – The leftmost date value of the x axis, this parameter is only used if x_axis_type is set to “date”.

  • x_date_max (str, default: "2011-01-31") – The rightmost date value of the x axis, this parameter is only used if x_axis_type is set to “date”.

  • x_automatic_reverse ({"on", "off"}, default: "off") –

  • y_automatic ({"on", "off"}, default: "off") – Determines whether the y-coordinate system should be defined automatically based on the first data to be plotted in the view; if so, the axis will range, left to right, from the minimum to the maximum value in the data. If not, the minimum and maximum values should be specified.

  • y_axis_type ({"regular", "date", "logarithmic", "geoline"}, default: "regular") –

    Determines the type of coordinates on this axis:

    • ”regular”: the values are numbers

    • ”date” : the values are dates.

    • ”logarithmic”: the values are numbers, but the axis will be displayed on a logarithmic scale

    • ”geoline”: the axis limits should be provided as geographical coordinates; this can be used for displaying cross sections, or other plots where an axis represents a geographical line

  • y_min (number, default: 0) – The bottom value of the y axis, this parameter is only used if y_axis_type is set to “regular” or “logarithmic”.

  • y_max (number, default: 100) – The uppermost value of the y axis, this parameter is only used if y_axis_type is set to “regular” or “logarithmic”.

  • y_min_latitude (number, default: -90) – The bottom latitude value of the y axis, this parameter is only used if y_axis_type is set to “geoline”.

  • y_max_latitude (number, default: 90) – The uppermost latitude value of the y axis, this parameter is only used if y_axis_type is set to “geoline”.

  • y_min_longitude (number, default: -180) – The bottom longitude value of the y axis, this parameter is only used if y_axis_type is set to “geoline”.

  • y_max_longitude (number, default: 180) – The uppermost longitude value of the x axis, this parameter is only used if y_axis_type is set to “geoline”.

  • y_date_min (str, default: "2011-01-01") – The bottom date value of the y axis, this parameter is only used if y_axis_type is set to “date”.

  • y_date_max (str, default: "2011-01-31") – The uppermost date value of the y axis, this parameter is only used if y_axis_type is set to “date”.

  • y_automatic_reverse ({"on", "off"}, default: "off") –

  • horizontal_axis (maxis()) – Specifies the plotting attributes of the horizontal axis.

  • vertical_axis (maxis()) – Specifies the plotting attributes of the vertical axis.

  • taylor_grid (:func:`mtaylor) – Specifies the plotting attributes of Taylor grid when map_projection is “taylor”.

  • subpage_clipping ({"on", "off"}, default: "off") – Clips plot to subpage borders.

  • subpage_x_position (number, default: 7.5) – Specifies the X offset of the plot from the left side of the plot frame (any subdivision of the display area). This is expressed as a percentage of the X-dimension of the plot frame.

  • subpage_y_position (number, default: 7) – Specifies the Y offset of the plot from the bottom side of the plot frame (any subdivision of the display area). This is expressed as a percentage of the Y-dimension of the plot frame.

  • subpage_x_length (number, default: 85) – Specifies the X length of the plot. This is expressed as a percentage of the X-dimension of the plot frame. Hence the sum of this X length plus the X offset cannot exceed 100 (it is advised that it does not exceed 95 since you need some margin on the right for things like axis or map grid labels).

  • subpage_y_length (number, default: 80) – Same as subpage_x_length but for the Y length of the plot.

  • subpage_vertical_axis_width (str, default: "1") –

  • subpage_horizontal_axis_height (str, default: "1") –

  • page_frame ({"on", "off"}, default: "off") – Toggles the plotting of a border line around the plot frame.

  • page_frame_colour (str, default: "charcoal") – Colour of the page frame. Available when page_frame is “on”.

  • page_frame_line_style ({"solid", "dot", "dash", "chain_dot", "chain_dash"}, default: "solid") – Line style of the page frame. Available when page_frame is “on”.

  • page_frame_thickness (number, default: 2) – Line thickness of the page frame. Available when page_frame is “on”.

  • page_id_line ({"on", "off"}, default: "off") – Toggles the plotting of plot identification line.

  • page_id_line_user_text (str) – Specifies user text to be added to the plot identification line. Only available when page_id_line is “on”.

  • subpage_frame ({"on", "off"}, default: "off") – Toggles the plotting of a border line around the plot itself. In most cases you will want this to be left “on”. When “off” the sides of the plot not equipped with axis will not be plotted.

  • subpage_frame_colour (str, default: "black") – Colour of the subpage frame. Available when subpage_frame is “on”.

  • subpage_frame_line_style ({"solid", "dot", "dash", "chain_dot", "chain_dash"}, default: "solid") – Line style of the subpage frame. Available when subpage_frame is “on”.

  • subpage_frame_thickness (int, default: 2) – Line thickness of the subpage frame. Available when subpage_frame is “on”.

  • subpage_background_colour (str, default: "white") – Specifies the colour of the background of the plot (i.e. not affected by visual definitions like contour shadings or lines).

Return type
